Goodal Larbor Co.,Ltd


Individual protection means

 Ensuring safe operation - is the concern, as the leader and the employee. Protection of the main instrument - the hands, is a must activity during different types of work - construction, installation, auto mechanics and plumbing, for agricultural horticultural works, during handling, filling, cleaning jobs in light industry, textile food, chemical industry and other .

Special protective equipment - latex working gloves, can reliably protect your hands from injury of various types, most importantly choose the right degree of protection gloves.

Enterprise "LTD-Pak Kit" sells workers knitted gloves with varying degrees of protection: gloves, x / b with dual latex palm coated gloves x / b with latex coated gloves are knitted X / B with PVC gloves and knitted X / B. A wide range of products allows you to choose the type of personal protective equipment, which is optimally suited for the upcoming type of work. High quality cotton fiber and knitting makes gloves, the proposed "LLC Kit-Pack", resistant to abrasion, withstand the impact of washing and chlorine. A price-quality ratio on the market today - the best.

Gloves x / b with dual latex coating ideal for activities associated with a high risk of injury or burn. They do not get wet, provide high traction characteristics reliably protect your hands from injury. High-quality fiber and provides the necessary binding airflow and comfortable operation.

Gloves x / b with a latex coating have a high degree of protection, and they do not get wet, as well as gloves and double spraying, but provide better sensitivity, which is required for certain works of no less than the defense.

Knitted gloves X / B with PVC securely to protect against light mechanical damage, have good traction and breathability, but designed to work in a dry environment. Comfortable for the shape of gloves does not constrains the movement of hands, they carry great laundry and bleaching.

Knitted gloves X / B are the easiest defense, the scope of their application easy loading and unloading, cleaning, garden work, packing. They do not protect against severe mechanical trauma, but can perfectly guard against blisters, cracks, exposure to cold hands.

Pre:Knitted gloves with PVC dot-sided point
Next: gloves with PVC-coated